The Society maintains an annual schedule of events and supports particular projects. All are to stimulate awareness of quality of life in the town and our distinctive heritage and culture.
2025 Programme
The 2025 programme can be downloaded here.
Wednesday meetings start at 7.30pm in the Glen Vue Community Hub, Railway Approach with no charge for members and £5/non-member.
No meeting
Wednesday 19 February
THE REAL DICK WHITTINGTON AND THE BREWERS OF LONDON by Caroline Metcalfe. Caroline tells us the real story of Richard Whittington, from pantomine legend to the benefactor of Whittington College at Felbridge and his quarrels with the Brewers of London.
Wednesday 19 March
WILLIAM ROBINSON AND GRAVETYE by Fiona Humphreys. The talk will cover William Robinson, naturalistic gardener, his home at Gravetye Manor and the Gravetye volunteering programme.
Wednesday 16 April
THE COMMONWEALTH GRAVES COMMISSION by Melanie Gibson Braton. Melanie will discuss both well-known and less well-known graves in France and Belgium from personal knowledge and will also cover the Unknown Warrior story.
Monday 5 May
MAY FAIR: Society Stall in the High Street. 10am – 4pm. An opportunity to find out who we are and what we do, plus a tombola with fantastic prizes and a chance to purchase yummy homemade preserves!
Wednesday 14 May
KING HENRY III AND THE BATTLE OF LEWES by James Dickinson. Henry was a weak man who incited a baronial rebellion led by Simon de Montfort. Simon defeated the King’s forces at the Battle of Lewes In 1264. James will cover the full story of the battle which led to the beginnings of Parliament.
Wednesday 18 June
CROP CIRCLES by Andy Thomas. With stunning visuals, Andy explores the extraordinary phenomenon of crop circles and the many varied and imaginative theories put forward over the years to explain them.
Wednesday 16 July
SUMMER DRINKS AND OPEN FORUM Discussion on local issues including Planning, Development and Heritage.
No meeting
Wednesday 17 September
GRACE KIMMINS AND CHAILEY HERITAGE by Ros Black. The fascinating story of Grace Kimmins from her social work in Bermondsey slums in the 1890s, to the founding of her unique craft school for disabled boys in 1908 and the takeover of the Chailey Heritage by the NHS in 1948.
Wednesday 15 October
A WEALDEN WOMAN’S WAR by Penny Harris. Penny’s talk tells the story of Edwina Hall’s life in the WAAF and her marriage to a one-legged Spitfire pilot.
Wednesday 19 November
58th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. An assessment of the year and election of your new Committee. Followed by “Bonx & Bryan” an informal discussion between two well-known local raconteurs who will share their interesting local anecdotes.
Wednesday 17 December
WEST HOATHLY PRIEST HOUSE by Antony Smith. The story of the Grade II fifteenth century house once owned by Anne of Cleves and Thomas Cromwell followed by Christmas drinks and mince pies!.