East Grinstead Society

Current Issues

Society Chairman James Baldwin presenting retiring President Margaret Collins DL with a memento of her years of service

Society Chairman James Baldwin presenting retiring President Margaret Collins DL with a memento of her years of service.

Letter to Mid Sussex District Council regarding East Grinstead town parking

Letter to Mid Sussex District Council regarding East Grinstead town parking I am following up our previous letter to the CEO, dated March 22, in the light of the new consultation on the proposed extension to paid parking hours with renewed opposition. The Society continues to believe that the extension of fees to cover evenings, […]

East Grinstead on Radio 4

Mark Steel is back In Town. This week he’s in East Grinstead in West Sussex

Video – East Grinstead High Street Jubilee Fountain Opening Ceremony

Interview with Robin Whalley – opening of the High Street water fountain

Click Play below to listen to the interview

Letter to the MSDC CEO on parking charges

Read the letter here Dear Ms Hall, I hope you are very much aware of the uproar that the proposed new parking charges and extension to paid parking hours has caused the citizens of East Grinstead. The East Grinstead Society is a charity which aims to “Highlight issues affecting the ambience of the Town Conservation […]

Special Meeting on Development

Mid Sussex District Council has recently drafted a revised Mid Sussex District Plan and sought comments from residents by 19th December. The Society has decided to hold an additional Special Meeting on 9th December to discuss matters of concern to residents and to give members a chance to comment by the deadline. The discussion will […]


LOCAL AUTHOR BOOK SIGNING, TALK & SONG RECITAL The Funniest Man in London! The Bookshop, 22 High Street East Grinstead on Saturday 24th September from 10am until 5pm. The book signing will be followed by a talk and a rare recital of some songs by H. G. Pélissier in The Bookshop café at 6.30pm.

September 14 meeting change!

Unfortunately our booked speaker, Andy Thomas, can’t make it do we are changing the topic. Instead we will have a fascinating, and insider’s, account of the development of Hong Kong’s airport from Vic Chair Robin Whalley.

July 13 meeting and summer drinks

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